Anti-drug feature story (29 December, 2021)(Chinese only)
Anti-drug feature story (29 December, 2021)(Chinese only)
Anti-drug feature story (20 December, 2020)(Chinese only)
Anti-drug feature story (20 December, 2020)(Chinese only)
Scoop (24 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Scoop (24 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Scoop (25 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Scoop (25 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Scoop (26 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Scoop (26 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Anti-drug feature story (27 June, 2020)
                                        (Chinese Only)
Anti-drug feature story (27 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Anti-drug feature story (28 June, 2020)
                                        (Chinese Only)
Anti-drug feature story (28 June, 2020) (Chinese Only)
Anti-drug YouTube Video (Chinese only)
Anti-drug YouTube Video (Chinese only)

Anti-drug YouTube Video (Chinese only)
Anti-drug YouTube Video (Chinese only)

Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Mirror of Life
                                        (Chinese only)
"Your Choice" Nano-movie Competition 2018-2019 sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund - Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Mirror of Life (Chinese only)
Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Drugs? Friends?
                                        Peers? (Chinese only)
"Your Choice" Nano-movie Competition 2018-2019 sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund - Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Drugs? Friends? Peers? (Chinese only)
Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Your Choices
                                        (Chinese only)
"Your Choice" Nano-movie Competition 2017-2018 sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund - Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Your Choices (Chinese only)
Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Critical moment
                                        (Chinese only)
"Your Choice" Nano-movie Competition 2017-2018 sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund - Award Winning Nano-movie Title: Critical moment (Chinese only)
Theme song of anti-drug event in 2014
Theme song of anti-drug event in 2014 Presented by Aaron Kwok (Chinese Only)
Voice Out
"Voice Out" sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund (Chinese Only)
Voice Out
Anti-drug YouTube Video (Chinese Only)