The CRDA is a voluntary reporting system recording the details of drug abusers who have come into contact with and have been reported by the reporting agencies, including law enforcement agencies, treatment and welfare agencies, tertiary institutions, hospitals and clinics. Reporting agencies may submit the information in hardcopy or electronically.

Record Sheet (for reporting cases with contact date on or before 31 December 2023)

New Record Sheet (for reporting cases with contact date on or after 1 January 2024)

Reports on drug abusers are submitted to CRDA via a standard record sheet by a wide network of reporting agencies.


Guidelines for the completion of the CRDA record sheet provide important points to note for reporting agencies in submitting reports on drug abusers to CRDA.

CRDA e-Submission

The e-Submission system of CRDA facilitates reporting agencies with access to Internet in data reporting to CRDA and indexing concerned data on one hand, while also streamlining the work flow and improve data quality and timeliness for the CRDA on the other hand.

  1. Introduction to the System
  2. Login (for authorised users only)
  3. User Manual
  4. Frequently Asked Questions