Other Evaluation Tools for Treatment and Vocational Rehabilitation Projects

Attention: the copyright of the scales belong to the respective owners. The agreement of the owner should be sought before using the scale.

Pelvic Pain and Urgency / Frequency Symptom (PUF) Scale (Chinese) [8 items]Beat Drug Fund 

Voiding Diary (Chinese) Beat Drug Fund

WHO-Five Well Being Index (Chinese) [5 items] Beat Drug Fund 

Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9) (English) [9 items] Beat Drug Fund

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (English) [14 items] Beat Drug Fund

Employment Readiness Questionnaire (sample question items) (Chinese): please contact Secretariat of Beat Drugs Fund Association at bdf@sb.gov.hk for the full version of questionnaire [50 items] Beat Drug Fund

Beat Drug Fund : Instrument used in previous Beat Drugs Fund projects

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